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Above And Beyond Ft Richard Bedford Thing Called Love Zippy ((HOT))

So, now that my Indian correspondents haveinsisted that we get all serious lexicographically speaking,Webstersays that a tryst is either(1) "an agreement (as between lovers) to meet" or(2) "an appointed meeting or meeting place".The Middle English origin lies in the 14th century wordtriste, used mainly for an appointed station forhunters (in fact the 27 bus in Edinburgh runs betweenSilverknowesand a place called Hunter's Tryst in the south).It is probably related to the word trust(the relationship between trysting and trusting being, of course, thatnormally you set up trysts with people of whom you can trustto be there). The specialization toward meaning (1) that Istress in the opening paragraph above seems to be a more moderndevelopment in the use of the word. The OED entry forthe word seems, however, to have virtually no sign of themodern development. The OED entry is seriously inneed of an update.

Above And Beyond Ft Richard Bedford Thing Called Love Zippy


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