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1 Unit Learning Plan In English In 4th Year High School Philippines Ubd Zip

1 Unit Learning Plan in English in 4th Year High School Philippines UBD Zip

A unit learning plan (ULP) is a document that outlines the objectives, content, activities, assessment, and resources for a specific unit of instruction. A ULP can help teachers plan and deliver effective and engaging lessons that are aligned with the curriculum standards and the learners' needs and interests. A ULP can also help students understand the purpose and expectations of the unit, monitor their own progress, and reflect on their learning outcomes.

In the Philippines, the Department of Education (DepEd) has adopted the K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum (BEC), which aims to provide learners with sufficient knowledge, skills, values, and attitudes to become globally competitive and lifelong learners. The K to 12 BEC is based on the principles of Understanding by Design (UBD), which is a framework for designing curriculum, instruction, and assessment that focuses on developing and deepening students' understanding of important ideas and concepts. UBD emphasizes the use of backward design, which means starting with the desired results (the standards and learning outcomes) and then working backward to determine the evidence of learning (the assessment) and the learning experiences (the instruction) that will enable students to achieve those results.

1 unit learning plan in english in 4th year high school philippines ubd zip

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One of the core subjects in the K to 12 BEC is English, which aims to develop students' communicative competence in various contexts and purposes. English is also the medium of instruction for Mathematics and Science in the K to 12 BEC. In this article, we will present an example of a 1 unit learning plan in English for 4th year high school students in the Philippines using the UBD framework. The unit topic is "The Power of Words", which covers various genres and forms of literature, such as poetry, short stories, essays, speeches, and drama. The unit also integrates language skills, such as listening, speaking, reading, writing, viewing, and presenting. The unit duration is four weeks or 20 hours.

Stage 1: Identify Desired Results

In this stage, we will identify the standards, essential questions, enduring understandings, and learning objectives for the unit.


The standards are the statements that describe what students should know and be able to do at the end of a grade level or a course. The standards are derived from the national curriculum framework and are aligned with the global competencies. The standards for English for 4th year high school students in the Philippines are as follows:

  • The learner demonstrates communicative competence through his/her understanding of literature and other texts types for a deeper appreciation of Philippine Culture and those of other countries.

  • The learner demonstrates communicative competence through his/her understanding and production of oral and written texts.

Essential Questions

The essential questions are the open-ended questions that guide inquiry and exploration throughout the unit. The essential questions help students focus on the big ideas and concepts that are relevant and meaningful to their lives. The essential questions for this unit are:

  • How do words shape our reality?

  • How can we use words to express ourselves effectively?

  • How can we appreciate and analyze different forms of literature?

  • How can we create our own literary texts?

Enduring Understandings

The enduring understandings are the statements that summarize the important ideas and core processes that students should understand and retain after completing the unit. The enduring understandings help students transfer their learning to new situations and contexts. The enduring understandings for this unit are:

  • Words have power to influence our thoughts, feelings, actions, and identities.

  • Words can be used creatively and critically to communicate our ideas, opinions, emotions, and experiences.

  • Literature is a rich source of knowledge, insight, inspiration, and enjoyment.

  • Literature reflects and shapes our culture, values, and worldview.

  • Literary texts can be interpreted in multiple ways depending on the context and perspective of the reader or listener.

  • Literary texts can be produced using various elements, techniques, and conventions.

Learning Objectives

The learning objectives are the statements that describe the specific and measurable outcomes that students should achieve by the end of the unit. The learning objectives are aligned with the standards and the enduring understandings. The learning objectives for this unit are:

  • Identify and explain the meaning, purpose, and effect of various literary devices, such as imagery, symbolism, metaphor, simile, personification, irony, allusion, etc.

  • Analyze and compare different genres and forms of literature, such as poetry, short stories, essays, speeches, and drama.

  • Appreciate and respond to various literary texts by expressing personal opinions, reactions, and interpretations.

  • Create original literary texts using appropriate elements, techniques, and conventions.

  • Present and share literary texts to an audience using effective oral and visual skills.

Stage 2: Determine Acceptable Evidence

In this stage, we will determine the assessment methods and tools that will be used to measure students' achievement of the learning objectives. The assessment should be aligned with the standards and the enduring understandings. The assessment should also be varied and authentic to capture different types of evidence of learning. The assessment for this unit consists of three types: pre-assessment, formative assessment, and summative assessment.


The pre-assessment is the assessment that is conducted before the unit begins to determine students' prior knowledge, skills, interests, and needs. The pre-assessment can help teachers plan differentiated instruction and support for students. The pre-assessment can also help students set their own goals and monitor their own progress. The pre-assessment for this unit is a self-assessment survey that asks students to rate their level of confidence and interest in various aspects of the unit topic. The survey also asks students to write a short paragraph about their favorite literary text and why they like it.

Formative Assessment

The formative assessment is the assessment that is conducted during the unit to monitor students' learning progress and provide feedback for improvement. The formative assessment can help teachers adjust instruction and provide intervention or enrichment for students. The formative assessment can also help students reflect on their learning process and identify their strengths and areas for improvement. The formative assessment for this unit includes various types of tasks, such as quizzes, worksheets, journals, discussions, peer feedback, self-reflection, etc.

Summative Assessment

The summative assessment is the assessment that is conducted at the end of the unit to evaluate students' mastery of the learning objectives. The summative assessment can help teachers determine students' grades and report their achievement to stakeholders. The summative assessment can also help students demonstrate their learning outcomes and celebrate their success. The summative assessment for this unit is a performance task that requires students to create a portfolio of original literary texts based on a chosen theme. The portfolio should include at least one text from each genre or form covered in the unit (poetry, short story, essay, speech, and drama). The portfolio should also include a reflection paper that explains the theme, the process, and the product of the project. The portfolio will be presented and shared to an audience of peers, teachers, parents, or community members.

Stage 3: Plan Learning Experiences

In this stage, we will plan the learning activities and resources that will be used to engage students in achieving the learning objectives. The learning activities should be aligned with the standards, the enduring understandings, and the assessment. The learning activities should also be varied and interactive to cater to different learning styles and preferences. The learning resources should be relevant and accessible to support students' learning needs and interests. The following table shows a sample outline of the learning activities and resources for this unit.

WeekTopicLearning ActivitiesLearning Resources

1The Power of Words: Introduction to Literature- Review the unit overview and expectations- Complete the pre-assessment survey- Watch a video clip about the power of words- Discuss the essential questions- Read an article about literature and its benefits- Identify different genres and forms of literature- Explore various examples of literary texts- Complete a worksheet on literary devices- Take a quiz on literary devices- Unit overview handout- Pre-assessment survey- Video clip: [The Power of Words - Video clip: [The Power of Words]- Article: [Why Literature Matters]- Worksheet: [Literary Devices]- Quiz: [Literary Devices]

2The Power of Words: Poetry- Read and listen to various poems from different cultures a


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